Rumi believed that we are a part of Universal intelligence that has all the essence of the whole.
“You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the entire ocean in a drop.”
As we carefully read and interprets Rumis’ poems, we can understand that Rumi believed that we are a multidimensional human being with the physical and non-physical or energetic body.
Non-physical or energetic bodies are made from the subtle matter which is invisible to the naked eyes as the subtle matter vibrates at a much higher frequency than the matter that our physical bodies are made of.
Based on the quantum physic matter is a pocket of individualized energy in the field. According to their vibrational speed that can become a visible or invisible form of energy/matter.
In our physical body, the vibrational speed is much slower than our energy bodies. And that is the reason that our physical body is a form of energy/matter that is visible to our eyes.
On the other hand, energetic bodies have an exceedingly high speed of vibration and take the form of matter/energy that is not visible to our physical bodies.
The electromagnetic field is also not visible to our naked eyes, but we know it exists based on its force exert. Couple hundred years no one believed in the existence of such force, but once the proper tool developed, no one denies its existence.
One day scientists may develop such a tool to measure the effect of the subtle energy and our nonphysical body. simply said, the nonphysical body is in a form of matter not visible to our eyes.
This was the case with the electromagnetic force, gravity force, and atomic force just a few hundred years ago.
To the people who lived at that time, these energies simply did not exist, and many scientists being laughed upon or jailed even talking about such form of force.
Non-physical bodies are holographic template energy for the formation of the physical body. the energetic bodies are superimposed to our physical body like Russian dolls, one inside another one.
Energetic bodies existed before the physical body which is the blueprint for the construction of our physical body. Subtle energy in the form of messages or codes through the chakras move to the physical body and are the vital life force for the physical body. the subtle energy gets into our body with the first breath. Life can not exist without this vital life force or subtle energy which moves through our physical body from our energetic body. there are four main types of energetic or non-physical bodies:
1-Etheric body-the closest energy body to the physical body connected to the physical body through the physical and etheric interface which contains chakras, Nadis, and meridian system, an energetic network that transfers subtle energy from energetic body to physical body. There are many scientific pieces of research point to the existence of an etheric body.
2- Astral body or emotional body is the second closest energetic body to our physical body. our fears, love, hate form here and are transferred through an energetic network to our brain for interpretation. The most psychological problem, such as depression develop at this level due to energy imbalances which then affect the physiology of our brain.
3- The mental body is where invention and discovery reside. Once we connect to this energetic body, the opportunity for creation and discovery is limitless.
4- Casual body or spiritual body has no valid scientific validation, but we all have our opinion and believe based on our upbringing and religion. Only a few have connected to this energetic body. this area has the closest connection with Universal intelligence and has a direct connection with intuitive knowledge.
Mohamad, Buddha, Jesus, and Moses were able to reach and connect to this energy body through years of meditation and discipline.
In this poem, Rumi refers to the energetic body as the unseen world and the universal intelligence as the (source).
“Everything you see has its roots in the unseen world, the forms may change yet the essence remains the same. Every wonderful sight will vanish, every sweet word will fade but do not be disheartened, the source they come from is eternal, growing, branching out, giving new life and new joy. Why do you weep? The source is within you and this whole cosmos is springing up from it.”