“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full of talking about.
We are in the judgmental field all the time. It affirms that we do not always need to fit things in labeled boxes. It is okay to let go and LIVE. No judgment. No comparison. No burden of the right way or the wrong way. Just descend into the sacred space in your Heart, where only purity lives. Operate from that space. That space is where the calm and the magic is, where the soul feels alive.
Excessive judgments weigh you down and make you feel heavy-hearted and unsatisfied.
While we are judging another human being, it is just wonderful to let the radiance of the universe permeate your consciousness and just be, and just let go.
We are constantly labeling things as right and wrong, good or bad, true or untrue. Sometimes it is exhausting to carry all the burden of excessive judgment.
To get rid of judgment, descend into the silence between thoughts and meet your higher self in stillness.