“Be empty of worrying. Think of who created thought! Why do you stay in prison When the door is so wide open?”
Reality is what we think it is. We are the creation of our thought. If you think you can, you can. Without creating reality first in mind, that reality never materializes in the real world. If you desire to become rich, you need to become rich in your mind first.
Recently much attention is giving to emotional intelligence. The people with higher emotional intelligence are more successful and happier than the people with higher IQs. Emotional intelligence is about how to manage your thought and your emotion to influence other people. People who have a reign in their thought are the best decision-maker, something that many higher IQ people are missing. Our thought and our mind affect our bodies and vice versa. Our thought can heal or make us sick. Our thought is energy, and Healthy thought will positively impact the body’s energy. Negative thought negatively affects the body. “Be melting snow. Wash yourself of yourself.”
Based on the quantum physic, we are most of the time in energy vibration than in a matter state. Negative thought has the lowest vibration frequency, and positive thought has the highest vibrational energy. With lower energy frequency, we cannot connect with universal intelligence to tap into the power that resides within us. So, if we want to improve our life and gain wisdom and happiness, we ought to manage and control our thought for a positive outcome.
If We want something in life, we need to create that in our mind before it exists outside our mind. Einstein used this concept of first in mind to solve the universe’s central mystery of gravity, light, space, and time. Einstein’s mind created the solution before it became a reality.
For great things to happen in your life, keep your thought transfixed on your goal until the energy of thoughts becomes the energy of action.
“The treasures that can be found outside of you can’t even compare with the treasures that can be found inside of you.”