“Silences is the language of god. Everything else is a poor translation.”
Many relate this pro to the 16th-century mystic Saint John of the Cross. But the fact is that this pro is the work of Rumi poetry in its original Farsi language written in the 13th century. Rumi was also a mystic. Many of Saint john’s writing has a striking similarity with Rumi’s philosophy of life and religion.
Rumi wrote we are trained and programmed to learn, this or that. We spend our life to acquire knowledge and satisfying our quest for accomplishment. But most of us fail to receive fundamental knowledge to have a meaningful life. We feel that void in our hearts after accomplishing the goal we set for ourselves, thinking that is all we need to be happy and prosperous.
Because we never looked inside us to attain that wisdom that hides inside us to direct us on a road that we can find that happiness and satisfaction that we are so desperately looking for.
We are not looking for happiness; we search for a reason to be happy. Once you look inside and take that road that you did not know existed, you can find that reason. That road will take you to a place where you can find enlightenment and awakening. Once you reach there, you find that reason that gives you that real happiness and satisfaction in life.
Silence Is where you can acquire wisdom to find your way to a purposeful life.